
many software projects never reach a broader community. negotiations of licence agreements are often complex and might not be in your focus nor your organisation.

wikivelop empowers those who like to profit commercially by sharing their source codes. wikivelop distributes 50% of its licence income back to the authors and owners of the software contributed.

you are either author of the software or owner of the copyrights to the software, or both. Please choose from the following sections:

(wikivelop has been just started - we take up contributions from german organisations and their students only beginning July 4th, 2019)


if you are a software developer affiliated with an organisation …

our drop zone opens July 4th, 2019.


if you are an administration officer of an organisation …

our drop zone opens July 4th, 2019.

author & owner

this section applies to you if you’d like to contribute software, which you as an individual created and you also hold the copyrights to the software since you are not affiliated with an organisation or a company you work for. undergraduate students are typically authors and owners of their software written …

our drop zone opens July 4th, 2019.